
Community story

December 8, 2008

I’ve gotten so used to checking in from my NaNoWriMo posts, that after I was done with my writing this morning, I immediately came here. Knowing I had to post every day did help me stay on track (I missed four days of writing out of 30, but that’s a lot less than I have missed in the past), so I plan to continue to check in as motivation to get me out of bed early every morning to write.

Another thing I think helped this morning was setting a goal yesterday. Yesterday I set the plan for today to rework chapter 14 of my novel so it better fits the new outline I laid out. Setting that goal yesterday, I knew exactly what I was doing when I sat in front of the computer this morning, and it made the revising go that much smoother. I managed to do both scenes in the chapter. And my goal for tomorrow is to revise chapter 15.

On a different note, in the new year I thought it would be fun to try a community story (actually, it was my husband’s idea — Thanks, Babe!). The idea is that I’ll post a beginning of a story on the blog, and each week, I’ll add a couple paragraphs and we’ll see where the story goes. The fun part is that as it will be a community story, you can write it too. Add your ideas to the post, in the comments, as to where you think the story should go next. Even write the next couple paragraphs. Whichever is the best one will be the next post the following week.

Sometimes, working on something that’s creative outside of what you’re writing, can help get your juices flowing or give you ideas for what you’re doing. That’s the idea with the community story. It’s not for publication (outside of this blog). It should be something fun, a little aside to keep us going.

I’ll start the community story the first Monday in the new year. For now, I’m opening it up for story ideas and character ideas. Got a good writing prompt that we can start with? Post it in a comment. The week before we start, we can all vote on the one we like the best.

Write On!


  1. ‘It wasn’t the first time Derek had been swimming, but it was the loudest.’

  2. That’s great, Mand. Thanks.

  3. […] Day By Day Writer Balancing work, life and the desire to create « Community story […]

  4. Bonnie’s eyes flickered open as she laid on her back looking up at the sky. She caught a brief glimpse of a person moving away from a ledge 30 feet above her. Slightly dazed, she was not sure if she had fallen or been pushed, but what she did know was that her back was hurt and her head was throbbing from her fall.

  5. Rain spat down the window as he watched his mother’s ’67 Impala drive away.

  6. […] thanks to Shane and Jamie who’ve added story starter ideas for our community story. There’s plenty of time to still add an idea. I haven’t even done one myself yet (busy […]

  7. Sherry fought the urge to drink away her troubles, but it was especially hard given her job as a wine critic.

  8. Erika pulled her hood over her head as she boarded the red line to Bethesda. She drew the note from her pocket, re-reading the instructions for the thousandth time. Who was this man, and what did he want with her? “I should have brought a weapon,” she thought.

  9. […] thanks fo Layne and Jennie who posted story starters for the community story I’ll be starting in the new year. There’s still time to post one. I still haven’t […]

  10. Thanks for linking me, Samantha. (-:

    “Abraham followed the acrid stench to the door at the end of the hall.”

  11. […] also been slow on adding my own starter paragraph to the community story. Others have posted their offerings in the comments here. Mine is below. But there’s still […]

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